Tuesday, January 26, 2010


That's how many cats were consulted in the writing of this blog post.

To be clear, we do have three cats. And yes, we spoil and adore them. And yes, they do get a notable mention in the title of this blog.

But this is not a cat blog. It is, or will be, a blog dedicated to the unashamed geekish pursuits of the two owners of the aforementioned cats.

Don't expect to find pet-parent tips here, like how to toilet train your kitty, or great ways to save on cat hygiene products. Don't expect detailed narratives about the hairball we found on the carpet in front of the bedroom door this past Sunday morning. Don't expect to find poems dedicated to our cats, and don't expect to find pictures of our cats at the bottom of every post.

Okay, there may be cat pictures. But none of the other stuff.

Okay, there probably will be cat pictures, and possibly even a haiku about a cat now and then. But no other forms of poetry, and nothing else pertaining to the cats. Promise.

And any discussions of hairballs will be kept to a minimum and purely in a geekish context, such as: did you know that a hairball is one example of a type of mass known as a bezoar, which was believed by medieval alchemists to be a cure against any kind of poison?

Look it up here if you don't believe me. Yeecchhh.